He was an Assistant Fiction Editor for Moon City Review from 2019 to 2021.
Ryan is a published photographer, filmmaker, and writer.
His work has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Writing Lifeworlds: An Anthology of Creative Nonfiction, The Chamber magazine. Flash Fiction Magazine.anD Night Picnic Journal from Night Picnic Press.
Ryan resides in South West, Missouri, with his wife, two daughters, and three dogs
Sujash is a poet and photographer. He is the author of "Epidemic of Nostalgia'' (Finishing Line Press). His poetry appeared in South Carolina Review, Gutter, Hawai`i Pacific Review, Kansas City Voices, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stonecoast Review, and others. His photography can be found on Instagram @poeticnomadic
Kayla Littlewolfe - assistant Fiction Editor
Bibliophile. Horror Fanatic.Writer. Healthcare Professional.Does all her own stunts.
Kayla resides in Southwest Missouri with her husband and three dogs.
Jessamin McSwain -Submissions Manager
Jessamin earned her Bfa in Creative writing at stephens college, an dis currently pursuing an mfa in creative writing at lasell university’s solstice mfa program.
Jessamin is the recipient of two Honorable mentions from the Writes of the Future Contest (2021 & 2022). Her fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and poetry have been published in the Harbinger Literary Journal (2021, 2022, & 2023 editions) and the TARNISHED Magazine (2024 edition). She’s also a three-time science fiction presenter at the Sigma Tau Delta International Convention (2022,2023, & 2024).
Jessamin resides in Central Missouri with her fiancé and dog. She can be found on Instagram @forgettenmoon73